Dealing with positional arguments

Now that we have managed to greet the world, let us be more specific about whom we greet or at least let users be able to do that:

def main(context, name):
    print(u'Hello, %s!' % name)

Replace the main function defined in with the code above. This defines a signature for the main function. A signature defines which positional arguments something takes, in this case a main function.

This signature defines one required positional argument called name. Positional arguments are passed to the function under the names defined in the signature.

Now in order to run you have to call it like this:

$ python Daniel
Hello, Daniel!

Obviously you can replace “Daniel” with your own name.

Default arguments

This does introduce a problem though because if we call run as we did previously, we get this:

$ python
error: name is missing
usage: [-h|--help] <name>

If we want to have backwards compatibility, we need to make the name an optional positional argument:

def main(context, name=u'World'):
    print(u'Hello, %s!' % name)

Now we can run the application with a name:

$ python Daniel
Hello, Daniel!

or without it:

$ python
Hello, World!


Now that we have managed to greet one person or well everyone. Let us try to greet multiple people:

def main(context, name=None):
    if name is None:
        name = [u'World']
    if len(name) == 1:
        print(u'Hello, %s!' % name[0])
    elif len(name) == 2:
        print(u'Hello %s and %s!' % (name[0], name[1]))
        print(u'Hello %s and %s!' % (u', '.join(name[:-1]), name[-1]))

The function does quite a bit more than the previous ones, to achieve a nice formatting. Apart from that what has really changed is that we have added ... to the end of the argument in the signature.

Now we can greet any number of people:

$ python
Hello, World!
$ python Daniel
Hello, Daniel!
$ python Daniel Horst
Hello, Daniel and Horst!
$ python Daniel Horst Peter
Hello, Daniel, Horst and Peter!

See also


Continue with Defining Options.